Application of Linear Vibrating Screen in Plastic Particle Screening

Plastic particles are widely used. The purpose of plastic particle classification is to classify the formed plastic particles and select the plastic particles with the same specifications for packaging.

Commonly used plastic particles: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120; plastic particles are flat, round, oval, etc. shape.

The mesh number of Linear Vibrating Screen can be adjusted from 2 to 400 mesh, and the number of screen layers can also be adjusted from 1 to 5 layers;


According to the shape of the plastic particles, the mesh shapes of the Linear Vibrating Screen also have round, square, oval and other styles;

It can not only meet the requirements of sieving fineness and sieving grading of plastic particles of different particle sizes, but also change the mesh shape of the screen according to the shape of the plastic particles, so as to facilitate the particles to penetrate the network and reduce the risk of blocking the network.

Screen Design of Linear Vibrating Screen

When the Linear Vibrating Screen sieves plastic particles, the screen usually uses a metal punching mesh screen, which has a high uniform opening rate and is not easy to wear. Wire braided mesh can also be selected, and the mesh shape is square.

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